Newsletter: August 2006
The IntegraMouse is a mouth operated joystick mouse alternative. Of those currently available, our testing has found that the...
Newsletter: May 2006
Ability Technology assists people with a disability to be more productive through computer and related technology. Our services include...
Newsletter: February 2006
Evoluent are the makers of the popular Vertical Mouse. They have now released a keyboard with the numeric pad on the left - this enables...
Newsletter: December 2005
Dr Graeme Smith gave the opening address at the Assistive Technology Alliance of New Zealand (ATANZ) annual conference in Wellington in...
Ability Newsletter: July 2005
"Ability staff have recently undertaken detailed in-house comparisons of the three main head-pointing systems currently available: the...
Newsletter: November 2004
We are currently involved in a research project, to explore ways in which computer adaptations can assist people with brain injury to...
Newsletter: August 2004
Many of our clients are unable to manage a large joystick, with the result that they are denied access to joystick games options and also...
Newsletter: June 2004
The QuadJoy has been upgraded recently, with a whole new design. It works much the same as the previous model, with very small mouth...
Newsletter: February 2004
The battle for effective computer control through head movement alone is hotting up, with the introduction of the HeadMouse Extreme, from...
Newsletter: November 2003
Product and Service News: 1 Phone intercom 1 Universal PDA keyboard 2 Portable speaker phones 2 Kyocera 7035 with PDA 3 New Biggy 3...